Register online here, filling out the basic company information.
Subsequently, you will receive via email a link where you must fill out the information contained in the client linking form and attach the following documents, which you must have scanned individually:
Note: Remember that the emails that will be related to user requests in the systems must be registered with Customer Service.
To register authorized emails with TCBUEN, you must fill out the following form, which must be authenticated by the legal representative of the company by attaching the chamber of commerce and physically deliver it to the customer service office:
If any person requires entry on behalf of the importer or exporter, they must contact the customer service area and schedule their visit, which would be carried out as a commercial visit.
Customs Agencies
Register online by entering the following link, filling out the basic company information.
To assign users in the Argos Web system, the following forms must be filled out, which must be authenticated and physically presented at the TCBUEN Reception:
Note: Remember that the emails that will be related to user requests in the systems must be corporate and be registered with Customer Service
For the registration of authorized emails with TCBUEN S.A. You must complete the following forms, which must be sent with an electronic signature of the legal representative of the company, attaching the chamber of commerce and through the email
For the registration of authorized emails with TCBUEN S.A. You must complete the following forms, which must be sent with an electronic signature of the legal representative of the company, attaching the chamber of commerce and through the email
FOR-GSC-007 V3 Commercial Update Format: for sending information related to documentary procedures.
For the assignment of users in the Argos Web and Portnet system, the following forms must be filled out, which must be authenticated and physically presented at the reception of TCBUEN:
Note: Remember that the emails that will be related to user requests in the systems must be corporate and be registered with Customer Service
For the registration of authorized emails with TCBUEN S.A. You must complete the following forms, which must be sent with an electronic signature of the legal representative of the company, attaching the chamber of commerce to the email
To enroll transport company officials, you must send the following documentation to (Access Control):
FOR-GPS-007 V4 Authorized User Registration (RUA) – Authenticated by the Legal Representative. (Notary or Digital Signature of entities Accredited by ONAC).
Copy from the Chamber of Commerce No older than 60 days from issue.
Copy of the Identity Document of each user authorized by your company who wishes to register.
Copy of Identity Document of the Legal Representative.
Detailed social security payment form for each authorized user (Occupational Risk Administrator, ARL; Health Promotion Company, EPS and Pension Fund Administrator, AFP) where the level of risk can be verified.
Attend the admission induction, which is carried out in person at the TCBUEN facilities. (Monday to Friday: 07:00 to 09:00.)
To enroll transport company drivers, they must send the following documentation to (Access control):
Letter from the transport company detailing the personal data of the person they wish to enroll. The data must indicate (Name, ID, contact, address, city)
Detailed form of the comprehensive social security payment of each authorized user (Occupational Risk Administrator, ARL; Health Promotion Company, EPS and Pension Fund Administrator, AFP) where the level of risk can be verified.
Copy of the authorized user's identity document.
Copy of the driver's license document.
Attend the admission induction, which is carried out in person at the TCBUEN facilities (Monday to Friday: 07:00 to 09:00).
To enroll transport company vehicles, you must send the following documentation to (Access control):
Letter from the transport company detailing the data of the vehicle they wish to enroll. The data must indicate (Plate, Empty weight, Number of axles)
Copy of the property card.
Copy of the Technomechanical and Soat Certificate.
For the assignment of users in the Argos Web and pornet system, the following forms must be filled out, which must be presented physically and authenticated at the TCBUEN reception.
- Transport Companies must have two users, one that creates the appointment and the other that validates - Must be authenticated by the Legal Representative
To register authorized emails with TCBUEN, you must fill out the following forms, which must be sent with an electronic signature of the Legal Representative of the company attaching the Chamber of Commerce through the email
To enroll OTM company officials, you must send the following documentation to documentació Control):
FOR-GPS-007 – Authorized User Registration (RUA) – Authenticated by the Legal Representative. (Notary or Digital Signature of entities Accredited by ONAC).
Copy of the Chamber of Commerce No more than 60 days after issue.
Copy of the authorized user's identity document.
Copy of Identity Document of the Legal Representative.
Detailed social security payment form for each authorized user (Occupational Risk Administrator, ARL; Health Promotion Company, EPS and Pension Fund Administrator, AFP) where the level of risk can be verified.
Attend the admission induction, which is carried out in person at the TCBUEN facilities. (Monday to Friday: 07:00 to 09:00.)
The induction certificate can be obtained by passing the relevant HSSE Induction here.
The supplier is linked to TCBUEN (This process belongs to the area of creating clients and suppliers).
The supplier or contractor must send the following documentation to the email from their authorized corporate email for procedures at TCBUEN.
FOR-GPS-007 Authorized User Registration (RUA) – Authenticated by the legal representative. (Notary or Digital Signature of entities Accredited by ONAC).
Copies of identification cards of authorized persons and the legal representative.
Copy of chamber of commerce (Issue No more than 60 days).
Detailed social security payment form for each authorized user (Occupational Risk Administrator, ARL; Health Promotion Company, EPS and Pension Fund Administrator, AFP) where the level of risk can be verified.
Attend the admission induction, which is carried out in person at the TCBUEN facilities. (Monday to Friday: 07:00 to 09:00.)
Once it is answered that the process is satisfactory, the person must approach to take biometrics and photographic registration.
Once the supplier or contractor completes the registration in the access control area, the internal department that requires the service will announce the visit through the GPRO application 24 hours in advance.
The person entering the terminal must comply with HSSE security standards.