Before you can enter the terminal, you need all of the following:
Safety Induction
Everyone visiting APM Terminals Gothenburg is required to complete the safety induction before entering the terminal. The course is available in Swedish or English and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. You can complete this digitally or at Port Entry (see map).
Pass card/PIN-code
To enter the terminal, you need a valid pass card. At Port Entry you can apply for and collect your pass card, or a temporary PIN-code. Both pass card and PIN-code requires completed Safety Induction and a valid photo ID. PIN-codes are active for four hours, thereafter you must go to Port Entry to update it again. Learn more about Terminal Passcards and download an application form.
Visit code
Drivers dropping off or picking up containers at the terminal need a confirmed visit code, which contains information about your appointment. You get the visit code from your trucking company.
Safety clothing
Every person in the production area must wear safety clothing, for his or her own security. This includes safety helmet, safety vest and safety shoes. Please make sure you have this before entering the terminal.
Trucks arriving at the terminal must be equipped with chassis that can be securely locked at each corner using twist locks.
Other chassis types are not permitted, and drivers with non-compliant equipment may be denied service.
This policy is in place to ensure safety and efficient operations at the terminal.
Please watch the short film below to familiarise yourself with how our new self-service gates operate.
Screens outside the gate show drivers how long we estimate that the assignment inside the terminal will take. The estimated TTTT time (Total Truck Turnaround Time) is automatically retrieved from our new Gate system every 30 minutes. The information will be displayed separately for Gate 3 and for Gate 4. For Gate 3, an average time for loaded and empty units as well as dual-moves (loaded + empty units) is shown.
All empty units for depot are delivered/picked up in Gate 3 (see map). Before delivery, empty units must be inspected at Conspect (see map).
Security In
Swipe your card/enter PIN-code to open the gate. Confirm your truck´s license number.
Drive at constant speed through portal. The OCR will provide container number, ISO-type and placards to gate clerk.
Gate In Select lane for Empty, swipe your card/enter PIN-code. Enter visit code and confirm details. Follow the instructions on the screen. If problems occur, please contact the gate clerk through the intercom next to the screen.
Truck Grid
Proceed to an empty grid lane, turn off the truck and unlock twistlocks. When it is safe to load/unload, go to the booth and swipe your card/enter PIN-code to start the job. Remain in the booth until loading/unloading is complete.
For safe handling in the grid and to ensure that the driver is seen and safe, the driver shall move around the truck in the pattern shown in the image to the right.
OCR Out: Drive at constant speed through portal.
Gate Out: Swipe your card/enter PIN-code.
If something should go wrong
Switch on the orange lamp to notify the straddle carrier driver. Wait until the straddle carrier has reversed away from the truck before correcting the fault.
Loaded containers are delivered/picked up in either Gate 3 (see map) or Gate 4. Your trucking company will advise which gate your appointment is for.
Security In
Swipe your card/enter PIN-code to open the gate. Confirm your truck´s license number.
Drive at constant speed through portal. The OCR will provide container number, ISO-type and placards to gate clerk.
Gate In
Select lane for Export/Import (Gate 3). Swipe your card/enter PIN-code. Enter visit code and confirm details. Follow the instructions on the screen. If problems occur, please contact the gate clerk through the intercom next to the screen.
Truck Grid
Proceed to an empty grid lane and reverse into place. Turn off the truck and unlock twistlocks. When it is safe to load/unload, go to the booth and swipe your card/enter PIN-code to start the job. Press the green button. Remain in the booth until loading/unloading is complete.
For safe handling in the grid and to ensure that the driver is seen and safe, the driver shall move around the truck in the pattern shown in the image to the right.
If picking up import unit, note seal number as this is required at Gate Out.
Drive at constant speed through portal.
Gate Out
Swipe your card/enter PIN-code. When picking up import units, seal number must be entered at Gate Out.
If something should go wrong
Switch on the orange lamp to notify the straddle carrier driver. Wait until the straddle carrier has reversed away from the truck before correcting the fault.
All container-, flatbed units and similar interlocked piles must be in compliance with ISO standard 668 and normative references including CSC (Convention for safe Containers) with valid ACEP to be handled as such unit according to the ISO standard 3874:6.2 (top lift spreader).
There could be exceptions in cases when combinations of container types, size, load design and operating condition could not be taken into account. Such situations should be specially notified and carefully evaluated by those competent to do so in order to decide whether a safe and satisfactory operation can be assured.
All and non ISO 668 standard units must be able to withstand forces similar to the ISO standard 1496.
If you are driving an electric truck, you will now be able to access the terminal via a ‘Priority Lane’ and you will be given priority within the terminal area.
To utilise this prioritisation offer, please follow the instructions below.
1. The driver drives in via Gate 4, in the far-right lane. Follow the orange Electric Truck Priority sign.
2. Before the driver swipes the access card, the electric truck must stop at the kiosk and call Avarn on the gate phone. State the truck's license plate number and visit code for Avarn to confirm continued passage.
3. The driver scans his/her personal card. The boom will open and if the lane is free, the driver can continue into the terminal. Note! For safety reasons, the driver may not pass if there is a truck in front.
4. The driver continues straight in the lane, then continues on the regular road.
5. The driver backs into a free square and swipes the card. The electric truck will be assigned priority handling here.
6. Once the handling is complete, the driver drives out as usual. The electric truck driver contacts Avarn on the gate phone at Gate Out and they will open the boom.
1. Chauffören kör in via Gate 4, i filen längst till höger. Följ orange skylt, märkt Electric Truck Priority Lane.
2. Innan chauffören drar sitt kort måste ellastbilen stanna vid kiosken och tillkalla Avarn via gatetelefonen som finns på plats. Ange registreringsnummer samt visitkod, innan Avarn bekräftar fortsatt passage.
3. Chauffören scannar sitt personlig kort och bommarna öppnas. Om filen är fri, kan ellastbilen fortsätta in på terminalen. OBS! På grund av säkerhetsskäl är det inte tillåtet att köra om ifall det står en annan lastbil framför.
4. Ellastbilen följer filen rakt fram, och fortsätter sedan på den allmänna körvägen.
5. Ellastbilen backar in i en ledig ruta, drar sitt kort och tilldelas därefter prioriterad hantering.
6. När hanteringen är klar, kör ellasbilen ut som vanligt. Vid Gate out kontaktar chauffören Avarn via gatetelefonen, så öppnar de bommarna.