TERMPoint is the name of our truck appointment system. TERMPoint includes features such as a Dashboard showing the status of your appointments, Import Container Watchlist, and the possibility to schedule both Import/Empty and Export Appointments simultaneously.
Please note that appointment times after midnight and before 7am in TERMPoint reflect the previous day. Appointments listed in Track & Trace show the ACTUAL time and date customers should arrive.
Effective July 22nd 2024, we will be expanding our appointment windows to better serve our customers! The transition into 30 minute slots will allow you to choose the best time suitable for your complex schedules. Below you will find a breakdown of the appointment windows:
Appointments are container size type specific, and we are not able to service mis-matched container sizes for Dual Transactions. For example, if you are dropping a 40’ Empty container you must pick up a 40’ FCL.
Make sure appointments are updated prior to arrival. Drivers can utilize the Termpoint App found in your mobile device’s app store (Apple and Google) to help verify information is correct prior to approaching the gate complex. Information must be correct PRIOR to passing the security checkpoint and entering the facility.
Common issues that result in drivers being rejected are below:
• Appointment missing required information (such as driver tag) or has incorrect information
• Incorrect Empty Container Number
• No appointment number
• Driver arriving outside the appointment window grace periods (too early or too late)
• Empty Line not being received (remember this could have adjusted from the time of appointment creation)
• No or Bad RFID Number
• Overweight Container
While APM Terminals is no longer a stop/start location, the appointments should still have POP chassis and OWN chassis selected correctly. Having this information correct keeps the driver flowing within the gate process
This option allows drayage dispatchers to ‘keep appointments’ even when they do not yet have all the information. (Ex: empty container number). This information must be updated prior to the driver arriving at the ingate to allow a smooth driver experience. The APM Terminals trucker app can be configured to allow for this information to be updated prior to arrival. Search “Termpoint” in your app store on your mobile device. All appointment Information – All appointment information should be entered before arriving to the terminal.
Please note that appointment times after midnight in TERMPoint reflect the previous day (see examples below). Appointments listed in Track & Trace show the ACTUAL time and date customers should arrive.
*Truck drivers arriving early or late for an appointment will be turned away. Arriving outside the appointment windows can be disruptive to our service and have negative impacts on drivers who arrive on time.*
Example #1
Appointment = Mon 17th 01:00am (2nd Shift)
Arrive on Terminal = Tues 18th 01:00am
Example #2
Appointment = Tues 18th 03:00am (3rd Shift)
Arrive on Terminal = Wed 19th 03:00am
Example #3
Appointment = Wed 19th 06:00am (3rd Shift)
Arrive on Terminal = Thurs 20th 06:00am
Example #4
Appointment = Friday 21st 08:00am (1st Shift)
Arrive on Terminal = Friday 21st 08:00am
APM Terminals currently requires appointments for Import, Export, and Empty containers. At this time, chassis pick-up and chassis drop-off are exempt from the appointment process and do not require an appointment to be set up.
The existing out of gage process will still require an appointment to be made through customer service at this time, for both import and export.
IMPORT: Import containers must be discharged off the vessel before an appointment can be set. Appointments can be made up to 30 minutes prior to the end of the appointment window pending appointment availability.
EXPORT: Export containers must be dropped off during the window set by the vessel arrival and sailing date. You can check export first and last receiving dates by clicking on the VESSEL SCHEDULE icon at the bottom of the TERMPoint home page then click on “View” at the far right. Appointments can be made up to 30 minutes prior to the end of the appointment window / shift.
EMPTY: Empty containers that are being dropped off are subject to the empty restrictions of the time/day. These can be found here.
Truck drivers arriving early or late for an appointment may be turned away or they may be serviced. Truck drivers arriving outside of the appointment and grace periods whether early or late for an appointment is disruptive to our service as it impacts drivers who arrive on time. We may however service the truck driver in either early or late scenario.
The truck driver will be turned away and told to return to the terminal when they have a correct/active appointment number.
1. The driver receives a trouble ticket.
2. Driver proceeds to the trouble window.
3. Driver must call their dispatcher for the correct appointment number.
4. Driver will be assisted at the trouble window once they have the correct appointment number.
1. The driver receives a trouble ticket.
2. Driver proceeds to the trouble window.
3. Driver must call their dispatcher to determine who set the appointment for them.
4. Driver will be assisted at the trouble window once the correct trucking company is determined.
If there are no appointments, please contact the Import group for assistance and or appointment availability. You can find current contact details on our contacts page.
First shift deliveries will need to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) for import and/or export containers that move during peak hours, at least 4 hours prior to your appointment time or your appointment will be auto cancelled (Paid via Pier Pass ). Demurrage will need to be paid 2 hours prior to your appointment time or your appointment will be auto cancelled. (Paid via Tops).
Ensure VGM is submitted prior to arriving at the terminal. A flip maybe required to receive cargo. Ensure hazardous pre-advise is submittedand the container has the proper placards.
When setting appointments, the appointment system validates against the terminal operating system displaying warnings or errors related to the future gate transactions.
• Confirmed: Good appointment created.
• Tentative: Resolution is needed to avoid a trouble ticket at the terminal.
• Invalid: Appointment is not created. Call Customer Service for assistance.
• Complete: Appointment and transaction have been completed at the facility.
• In Progress: Appointment number has been given and transaction is open.
• Rejected: Appointment was used at the gate and the driver was turned away.
Preliminary number of Import appointments are released 4 days in advance. (Example: On Monday prelim appointments for Friday are released)
Additional Import appointments are released throughout the week based on operational feasibility. (Example: On Monday when prelim appointments for Friday are released, additional appointments may be added to Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday)
Appointments are released 2 days in advance. (Example: On Monday appointments for Wednesday are released)
Additional appointments are released throughout the week based on operational feasibility. (Example: On Monday appointments for Wednesday are released, and additional appointments may be added to Tuesday)
Once in TERMPoint, click the “My Appointments” button on the left side menu under “My Dashboard.” Select the specific appointment that you want to cancel by clicking the square in the box next to the appointment, then click “cancel” (the first item to the left side at the top of your appointment list).
TERMPoint users can reschedule or manage an appointment up to the end of the appointment window.
TERMPoint will allow users to secure an appointment up to the end of the appointment window.
Example: It is 8:15 a.m. and you see an open 8 a.m. appointment, the user can secure and use this appointment.
TERMPoint users can update or add the information up to the end of the appointment window.
1. Appointments are only valid for the scheduled appointment window.
2. You can reschedule your appointment for anytime in the receiving window.
3. It is highly recommend for the trucking company to create their appointments prior to the cutoff as same day appointments may not be available.
4. Driver will be turned away at the gate if it is past the appointment or past the cutoff time.
1. Appointments are only valid for the scheduled appointment window.
2. A missed appointment cannot be updated or changed in the system once the appointment time has passed.
3. Once the appointment is missed, the trucking company must start the appointment process over completely.
4. It is recommended for the trucking company to move the appointment in the system to a later date/time BEFORE the appointment is missed.
5. Driver will be turned away at the gate if it is past the appointment window.
Missed appointments will show at the top of your TERMPoint Dashboard and APM Terminals will notify any TERMPoint user who habitually misses appointments.
For data in the last 7 days the “Custom Range” tab on the TERMPoint dashboard can be used
For data that goes past 7 days, this can be done by selecting “My Appointments” on the left side of the TERMPoint user dashboard, then select “Advanced Search” to build the preferred data ranges.
Using TERMPoint
Please find below an outline of each transaction and appointment requirements. Please note that License Plate numbers and container numbers can be updated on all appointments types up until the appointment time.
Appointment Window
*License Plate
*Container No.
Seal No.
Accurate Chassis Owned or POP
Empty Drop off
Empty Pick Up
2 hours
We provide a 1/2 hour appt. window with 1/2 hour grace period before and after the appt. hour. 4 windows per shift
Required all Transactions
Required on:
Empties Drop-off
Export ONLY
Yes or No
Require a Valid Booking
Empty Pick Up: Valid Booking or EDO (no container number applicable)
Dual Transactions
(Empty in/
Import Out)
2 hours
(Same grace period applies)
Empty Container number must be added / updated by the start of the appointment window.
Yes or No
Once in TERMPoint, click the “My Appointments” button on the left side menu under “My Dashboard.” Select the specific appointment that you want to cancel by clicking the square in the box next to the appointment, then click “cancel” (the first item to the left side at the top of your appointment list).
Since November 8, TERMPoint allows users to secure a dual appointment by providing the ability to add an EMPTY-In when securing an IMPORT appointment. Please remind your agents not to make single empty appointments. If your company has secured individual empty appointments to use to pick up an import, please cancel them and update your import appointment to "add empty drop off".
Time slots
All transactions types (IMPORT, EXPORT, EMTPY IN/OUT) will mirror the current IMPORT appointment timeslot/appointment windows.
EMTPY container number is required The system will allow users to secure a DUAL appointment without entering the EMTPY container number at the time the appointment is made. However, we strongly suggest inputting a “placeholder” container number so that the slot remains reserved over single empty appointments. Users need to UPDATE the correct EMTPY container number before the driver arrives. It is critical we have support from the trucking community in providing accurate information before the driver arrives to avoid the risk of not being serviced.
One appointment number Dual appointments will have one appointment number.
Empty appointment cancelled
If the DUAL appointment is updated to “cancel” the EMPTY In, the IMPORT APPOINTMENT will still be valid (as long as there are no other impediments, demurrage, line or CBP holds, etc.)
Single Empty Receiving
No change to the appointment process. If you are adding your EMPTY to your IMPORT appointment (merging) you do NOT NEED TO secure a "single" empty appointment. The system will not accept an EMPTY on the dual appointment if a single appointment has already made on that container, you must cancel the single empty appointment to marry it to the dual.
Empty Receiving Status
It is important the trucking community continues to refer to and use the EMPTY RECEIVING MATRIX which is updated throughout the day. We will continue to monitor the empty inventory and at times it may be necessary to restrict receiving either due to our inventory levels or at the direction of our Ocean Carrier customers.
This is not currently possible, but will be added in the near future.
Empty container pick-ups and drop-offs require an appointment. To improve operational efficiency, Truck License number will be required for all appointments and seal and container numbers will be required for export appointments. If the container # is not known at time of appointment creation, the user can still secure a tentative appointment and confirm it later.
Empty containers can also be dropped off as part of an Import Container pick-up, using a Dual Transaction. See FAQ on this above.
A quick summary of daily appointments by status. Drill down to appointments requiring attention.
Schedule appointments
Conveniently schedule import/export and empty pick-up/drop-off appointments via a single screen. All appointments require the user to select a truck license number from a list of registered trucks for their trucking company.
Empty Pick-up/Drop-off appointments
Empty Pickup appointments require a valid booking or EDO with available quantities. Empty Drop-off appointments require the user to select Line Operator of the container that will be returned to the terminal. Both appointment types require the user to select equipment size, date, time and truck license number.
Export appointments
Export appointments require container number, truck license number and seal number. If the container number isn't known at time of appointment creation, a tentative appointment can be booked. When the container number is known, the appointment can be updated and the appointment status will change to confirmed.
My Appointments
Monitor daily appointment status and use the Advanced Search to organize appointments for the day.
Import Container Watch List
Easily track Import containers and receive notifications when containers are ready for appointment.