Improved communication around expected discharging time
At APMT MVII we have been working hard in recent months to improve communication around the expected unloading time of containers. This initiative is designed to share the expected unloading time more easily and earlier with hinterland parties, so that together we can ensure that containers can be picked up earlier.
First of all, we have recently been advancing the time at which the initial expected unloading time of containers becomes known.
In addition, we distinguish between two types of expected unloading times that are visible in Portbase:
- Default value: The times visible under expected unloading time before the calculated forecast is known we call the default value, this is always the vessel's Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) + 10 minutes.
- Calculated forecast: The times visible under expected discharge time after they have been calculated are called the calculated forecast.
Previously, the first calculated forecast was only made available from 30 minutes before ship ETA. This has now been significantly improved: the first forecasts are available up to 6 hours before ETA ship.
This ensures accurate forecasting and planning, which benefits cooperation within the logistics chain. We hope to have informed you sufficiently. If you have any questions or comments, please contact judith.versteeg@apmterminals.com
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