Terminal Access

If it’s your first time visiting the terminal, prior authorisation is required. All requests must be made twenty-four hours in advance of the date of entry and/or stay in the port area.

To request authorisation for a person and/or vehicle to enter the Terminal, send an email from a registered corporate email account to the Security Office (security.moin@apmterminals.com). Mails from public domains such as "Hotmail", "Yahoo", "Gmail" or similar are not accepted.

Use the subject: SUPPLIER REGISTRATION, and attach the following documents:

  • Photocopy of current identification card.
  • Driver's License (In case of driving inside the port facilities)
  • Having received the induction of Occupational Safety (Safety) issued by APM Terminals Moin SA
  • Having received the Safety Induction related to the ISPS or PIBP issued by APM Terminals Moin SA
  • Digital photograph of the person on white background in JPG format.
  • Crime sheet, with a validity of 3 months of issue.
  • Approval of requirements requested by the Occupational Safety area.
  • Description of the areas where access is required.

The security office will review the documentation sent and respond to the request within 24 hours of receipt.