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Vessel Schedule

 Vessels at berth: 
 #  Name of Vessel  Flag Ship Agent Berth Number  Arrival Berthing 
1  WOOYANG QUEEN   PANAMA  PACE SHIPPING  8  14.03.2025 08:05  20.03.2025 17:05
 2  SUNLIGHT  LIBERIA  PACE SHIPPING  4-5  18.03.2025 02:50  22.03.2025 10:15
 3  CRISTINA A  MALTA  ARKAS GEORGIA  14  20.03.2025 23:35  27.03.2025 09:40
 4  MSC LEVANTE F  PANAMA  MSC GEORGIA  7  21.03.2025 06:00  27.03.2025 08:00
 5  VERA ROSE  ST KITTS&NEVIS  PRIME MARINE  9  22.03.2025 03:25  24.03.2025 21:00
 6  IBRAHIM KARABEKIR  TURKEY  CMT  12  25.03.2025 17:55  27.03.2025 18:10
 7  CENK CAR  MALTA  LAM SHIPPING  12  26.03.2025 23:40  27.03.2025 00:15
 8  MARKAB  GABON  GLC  1  27.03.2025 11:25  27.03.2025 12:10


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The Latest Update: 17:31 EST; 28.03.2025

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Due care has been taken to ensure container and vessel information is as accurate as possible. APM Terminals does not however assume any liability for the correctness or completeness of the information provided.

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